The drums are a bit weak. You should also sidechain, so the sounds wouldn't collide.
The drums are a bit weak. You should also sidechain, so the sounds wouldn't collide.
The drums need more compression!
Haha thanks!
This has a cool melody and structure, but you need to improve on your mixing and mastering!
I agree, you've found my weak point. I can't mix for crap. :P
Nice one!
This is a really nice track! Mixing is very clean and this has a nice vibe to it!
Thank you! I'm surprised at how good it turned out :D
So here's some constructive criticism. You should really improve on your mixing and mastering. You should also improve on your melodies. Over all not that bad, but it needs an improved mixing and mastering, because those sounds are clipping alot. I recommend to watch some tutorials on YouTube! I really recommend that you should watch Seamless' tutorials on mixing and mastering. He's one of the best music tutor on YouTube. Continue doing what you like and keep it up!
This is probably the best remix of my all time favorite video game song.
This has a nice sound design, but the basses are a bit muddy. The drums a bit too loud and the pretty much all of the sounds clip. You need to improve on your mixing and mastering! Otherwise a fine track!
You really need to improve on your mixing and mastering. This has a really good sound design though. Keep it up!
Thanks! I'm still learning, since making music is a side hobby!
Age 23
Joined on 12/4/14